Monday 8 July 2013

Teeth Basics

Teeth Basics

Given the importance of teeth in the consumption of food, teeth are also essential in helping people speak coherently and clearly, ascribing teeth as an important part of any human being’s body.
When talking about looks, teeth are pretty much also given a lot of emphasis, given how bright smiles are natural come-ons which anyone would smile to.
As such, keeping teeth well and healthy remains to be a top priority for anyone.
When talking about properly taking care of one’s teeth, what better way is there than in getting some solid understanding over teeth – some “teeth basics”, if you will.
In an effort to help you take better care of your teeth, here are some “teeth basics” for you to peruse.
The Growth Phase
As human beings grow, teeth also grow, defined by phases. First would be the rise of 20 primary teeth, which are typically referred to as “milk teeth”.
At four months in the womb, a baby would already start developing his or her milk teeth, formed inside a baby’s mouth.
Typically the lower front central primary teeth are first to come out, coming out within the first seven months after a baby is born. Molars, known as primary molars, would then follow, typically sometime in the first 12 to 16 months since a baby’s birth.
Primary canines would then follow after the eruption of primary molars, some time within the first 16 to 20 months, with the second set of primary molars coming out within the first 20 to 30 months.
All in all, a child gets to have all of his or her milk teeth by two to three years old.
Permanent Teeth
Permanent teeth typically start coming out by around six years of age, with molars being the first to come out.
Hidden under the surface of gums, the first permanent teeth set would move upwards, with the roots of the primary teeth being resorbed after they fall out. By six to eight years of age, front teeth would begin to erupt, and by the time a child reaches twelve years old, he or she would probably have all of his or her permanent teeth.
“Wisdom teeth” typically come out somewhere after a child reaches 18 years old, thus its “wisdom” moniker, linked with 18 years old being an age of maturity.
Given that after the milk teeth phase permanent teeth are what would follow, emphasis on keeping permanent teeth healthy should be a top priority since losing them would mean that they are lost for good.
Regular brushing and flossing helps reduce the onset of cavities and periodontal disease, along with taking necessary precautions (such as gum guards for those active in contact sports) in ensuring that teeth are safe are also important.
Also regular trips to the dentist helps ensure that your teeth are at their healthiest and at their best in form.

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